Dithyrambic Singers

Dithyrambic Singers

A SPECTACULAR OPERA CHORAL CONCERT that you should not miss!
Since 2012, Dithyrambic Singers had collaborated with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra to perform in various operas and concerts. For this concert, we have selected an ARRAY of WELL-KNOWN CHORUSES to share with you. In addition, we will be performing these selected pieces in their ORIGINAL LANGUAGES. These classics are exclusively chosen from prominent composers - Wagner, Verdi, Bizet, Tchaikovsky and Puccini.
【歌海漫游】- 世界著名歌剧合唱曲
自2012年起,狂热的歌者曾多次受邀与马来西亚爱乐管弦乐团(Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra) 携手进行歌剧演出。这次的歌剧合唱曲音乐会,我们精选出一系列悦耳动听的作品,并以原文演唱。本次的歌剧曲目皆选自著名作曲家威尔第、瓦格纳、比才、柴可夫斯基以及普契尼的经典之作。