Dithyrambic Singers

Dithyrambic Singers

Christmas Caroling 2018

It's the jolliest season of 'em all! 
Let's take a look at where the Dithyrambic Singers performed during this lovely festive season! 

Choral Spectacular - Carmina Burana

“O Fortuna!” Carmina Burana’s explosive first movement arrives like a thunderbolt, ushering in a celebration of life and love which brims with exuberance and raw energy. Such was the success of this choral tour de force that it propelled Orff to worldwide fame. Likewise, the “Drumroll” Symphony, with its unmistakable timpani opening, represents Haydn at the peak of his career. With veteran maestro Roberto Abbado and DFP’s magnificent acoustics in the mix, this is one sonic spectacle you won’t want to miss.
SAT 24 NOV 2018 8:30PM
SUN 25 NOV 2018 3:00PM
Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra
Roberto Abbado, conductor
Matthias Rexroth, tenor
Ying Fang, soprano
Wang Yunpeng, baritone
Dithyrambic Singers
UCSI Chorale
Dá Capo Voice Choir

HAYDN Symphony No. 103

歌海漫游 - 天籁 · 地咏 · 山谣(台湾当代歌曲)音乐演唱会 系列二

After a very well-received first installment, we have decided to continue this series of "Contemporary Taiwanese Songs" this year. Returning with more evergreens with beautiful arrangements, this concert will definitely cater to the taste of all!

承蒙大眾踴躍支持與口碑,使得上一屆的「歌海漫遊之天籟 · 地咏 · 山謠」系列獲得了空前成功。今年,為了回饋大家對我們的厚愛,我們決定延續此系列,為大家獻上更多炙熱人口的經典歌曲。曲目包括家喻戶曉的《再別康橋》,《聽泉》,《月亮代表我的心》以及《新望春風》。此演唱會是由隆雪華堂合唱團協辦。

希望各界人士踊跃出席觀賞,有關演唱會索票詳情,請聯絡林淑儀(016-6511775)或 楊偉傑(016-6767703)。

Jolly December Christmas Caroling 2017

It has been a fun season of cheer for our singers this Christmas! 
Come and take a look at the beautiful photos taken during our caroling performance!