For the last decade, the Dithyrambic Singers has unceasingly cultivated the seeds of love for music and nurtured vibrant voices.
With this concert, we hope to raise funds for our member, Soo Yi Yun to pursue her Bachelor of Arts in Music at the University of Oxford, UK.
Echoing the theme of our concert, young musicians of the choir with various musical backgrounds will come together and perform - from classical voice solo, choir ensemble, to piano and saxophone.
An aspiring choral conductor, Yi Yun will pursue and share music across international borders, and return home with new experiences in the future.
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過去十年,狂熱的歌者一直不遺餘力地培育新進的聲樂人才 。
配合這次籌款音樂會的主題:[ 音樂無涯津 ],團員們將一同為籌款音樂會帶來多元化的演出,曲目包 括獨唱、合唱、鋼琴獨奏、薩斯風演奏等。
此音樂會所籌得款項將作為苏瑜韵追求音樂旅程的留學費用 ,並呼籲熱愛音樂者踴躍出席。
To enquire for ticket price, kindly contact :
Ms. Yvonne Soo Yi Yun (017-643 4828)
Ms. Eunice Ling (016-651 1775)
With this concert, we hope to raise funds for our member, Soo Yi Yun to pursue her Bachelor of Arts in Music at the University of Oxford, UK.
Echoing the theme of our concert, young musicians of the choir with various musical backgrounds will come together and perform - from classical voice solo, choir ensemble, to piano and saxophone.
An aspiring choral conductor, Yi Yun will pursue and share music across international borders, and return home with new experiences in the future.
配合這次籌款音樂會的主題:[ 音樂無涯津 ],團員們將一同為籌款音樂會帶來多元化的演出,曲目包
To enquire for ticket price, kindly contact :
Ms. Yvonne Soo Yi Yun (017-643 4828)
Ms. Eunice Ling (016-651 1775)